In this guide we will give some introduction on how to use the team feature and how to manage the accounts of your team members. The team feature is available from the package professional and above.
The team feature allows you to:
- Share entire groups of profiles to your team members
- Assign different permissions to each team member
Step 1: Creating a new team member
The first thing you need to do when you want to add someone as a team user is to create a user account for him / her. You can do this by hitting the button team management and go to the section ‘Team Members’. After that you need to hit the button ‘New team member’ and a box will pop up where you are able to fill in the details of the new team member of your Incogniton profiles.

In this section you can also assign a specific role to a team member, please read first the section ‘creating roles’ before you go ahead with assigning a role to a team member, you can also change the password, resend the verification email or delete the user in this section.

Step 2: Creating roles
In this section we will give an explanation how you can create a customized role for your users. This is necessary before you can assign a role to a team member.
The first thing you need to do is to go to the tab ‘Roles’ and give the role a specific name. After you have named the role you can configure the permissions of the created role. You can do this via two tabs in the first tab you can adjust the administration permissions and the group general permissions. If you don’t want other users of your Incogniton profiles to have the possibility to edit the group permissions you need to deselect the permissions in the section ‘All administration permissions’.

In the section ‘All group general permissions’ you can customize the role by selecting the following options:
- Create new groups -> this will allow the user to create new groups.
- Edit / Delete groups -> this will allow the user to edit and delete groups.
- Launch profiles all groups -> this will allow the user to launch browser profiles in all groups which are created.
- Add profiles in all groups -> this will allow the user to be able to add browser profiles in all groups which are created.
- Edit / delete profiles in all groups -> this will allow the user to edit and delete browser profiles from all groups which are created.
If you don’t want other users to have access to all of the browser groups you need to go to the tab ‘Group’. In this tab you can assign specific roles for a user for a specific group. You can select the following options for each group: Launch profiles, Add profiles and Edit / Delete profiles.

After you have customized the roles according to your wishes you need to hit the button ‘Save role’ and the role settings will be saved.
Step 3: Creating permissions
After you created a new user (step 1) and a user role (step 2) the final thing you need to do is to assign the role to the user you can do this via the tab ‘permissions’. Hit the dropdown menu and you will be able to select the newly created role profile. Once you assign the role to the user he’s able to join the Incogniton working session.

The Active Session Lock feature is explained in this article.
If you still have any questions about how to set up the team feature of Incogniton, don’t hesitate to contact our support!