Update logs

On this page you can check the update logs of the Incogniton application

If you have any specific questions, don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

Incogniton update V. - Proxy shop added to directly buy your proxies via Incogniton

On 8th July 2024, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • New Feature! Proxy shop, with our very own Proxy Shop you can now buy proxies directly in the application. This means more efficiency, reliable proxies, a faster process and no copying and pasting the proxy details anymore. If you would like to know more about this functionality, please read this guide

Incogniton update V. - Browser update to V125 of Chromium and added option to change browser window name

On 10th June 2024, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Browser update! Browser core update to the most recent and stable version 125 of Chromium. Note! For windows users you will need at least Windows 10 as a minimum. Otherwise browser version 125 won’t work.
  • Improvement! Added option to change the browser window name. Now you can easily trace a certain browser profile based on the name of the browser profile. See this guide for more information to use this improvement.

Incogniton update V. - Faster Speeds, Enhanced IP Validation, and Improved Automation!

On 29th April 2024, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • V4 of Incogniton: faster and even more reliable back end of Incogniton to increase speed
    We are very happy to introduce to you V4 of Incogniton. With this new update we have rebuilt and improved the entire back end of Incogniton. This has led to the following improvements:
    • Optimization of the speed of the user interface of the application
    • Improved synchronization of data between devices
    • Updated to the most recent version of Java
  • New IP information provider: to improve the quality of the IP validation, we have added new IP information. This allows us to validate the proxy data for you even more accurately. This automatically sets up a new browser profile for you as reliably as possible when it is created. Besides that we also added some additional checks to validate if a proxy works. 
  • Improved automation: another important improvement of the V4 update is that we have completely rebuilt and improved the automation. This has ensured that the automation works much faster and more stable. For more information, please send us a message or consult the knowledge center.

Even more improvements
We have also made a number of other improvements for you, such as: 

  • Added option to export proxies from proxy management
  • Small bug fixes

Incogniton update V. - Security update: added Captcha & improvement of the back up proxy information provider

On 20th February 2024, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Improvement! Added a Captcha when signing in into the application. Note! Once you filled the Captcha correctly on your device you don’t need to fill it in again for 7-days.
  • Improvement! Improvement of the back-up proxy validation database, to even get a more reliable verification of your proxy details. If you want to know more about the main and back up proxy information provider. You can read it here  

Incogniton update V. - Browser update to version 121 of Chromium and option for local back up

On 17th January 2024, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Browser update! Browser core update to the most recent and stable version 121 of Chromium. Note! For windows users you will need at least Windows 10 as a minimum. Otherwise browser version 121 won’t work.
  • Improvement! Added option to restore a local back up version from a browser profile. You can do this by hitting the 3-bullet icon in the browser profile overview for a certain profile and click the option ‘Restore local profile back up’.

Incogniton update V. - Synchronizer automation of browser actions is now available for everyone, tagging system and other improvements

On 15th December 2023, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • New feature! Synchronizer, automate browser actions easily and reduce manual work. Mirror browser clicks and actions from one browser profile to another. Simplify repetitive manual work with just a few clicks! See this guide and showcase below for more information on how to use this feature. Note: For now only available on Windows! 
  • New feature! Tagging system, mark your browser profiles with tags so you and your team know the browser profile’s label at a glance. In this guide, we teach you more about this feature. You can also use this feature to assign tags to your proxies.
  • Improvement! You can now choose to set a preferred language in the overview tab of the browser profile configuration. For who doesn’t want the language of the browser profile to be based on proxy input.
  • Improvement! Added a ‘last edited’ column in the profile list which includes a timestamp. Now you know when a certain browser profile was edited.
  • Improvement! User interface improvements in the browser profile overview for more efficient working, with this you can work even faster when performing actions on your browser profiles.
  • Improvement! When using rotating proxies: added the option to auto-rotate IP when you start the profile.
  • Improvement! Cookie import in bulk, we added the ability to add Base64 encoded JSON cookies in the CSV bulk import.

Incogniton update V. - small improvements and added support for new extension format of Google

On 13th November 2023, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • New feature! Created setting to disable close confirmation dialog, with this you don’t need to hit the button continue before closing Incogniton. You can adjust this to your preference under My Account -> Other.
  • New feature! Created setting to always enable webcam for newly created browser profiles. You can set this in My Account -> Fingerprint
  • Improvement! Added support for the new extension format which was recently launched by Google. Note! You can easily add extensions to your Incogniton browser profile with the extension management feature. See this guide for more information.
  • Improvement! Added option to show password when logging in in Incogniton. With this you make sure that you fill in your credentials the right way.
  • Improvement! Added recycle icon to access the trash bin functionality to restore accidentally deleted browser profiles. See for more information about the trash bin functionality this guide.
  • Bug fix! Small browser bug fixes

Incogniton update V. - proxy management tool and added French translation

On 18 September 2023, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • New feature: Proxy management feature, add your proxies to Incogniton for easier management. See this guide for more information.
    • Add proxies in bulk easily (via Standard Proxy Format, CSV or Excel file).
    • Save proxies in bulk to easily add them to a (new) browser profile.
    • Save your proxies in groups, so that you always have an overview.
  • Translation: Added French translation to the user interface of Incogniton. See this guide how you can set your preferred language in the application.

Incogniton update V. - Browser update to V.117 of Chromium, scan and paste from image feature and improvements for cookie management

On 7 September 2023, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Browser update! Browser core update to the most recent and stable version 117 of Chromium. Note! For windows users you will need at least Windows 10 as a minimum. Otherwise browser version 117 won’t work.
  • New feature! Scan and paste feature, copy text from an image and paste it afterwards as text
  • Improvement! API Endpoint – support for browser profile delete cookies 
  • Improvement! Added option for adding cookies in bulk to your browser profile. Note! The cookies need to BASE64 encoded JSON
  • Improvement! Added option to import cookies while creating a new browser profile

Incogniton update V. - Incogniton browser core upgrade to V.110, Adding pre saved extensions and bookmarks to your browser profiles

On 14 March 2023, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Browser update! Major browser update to version 110 of Chromium, this the most recent and stable. Note! For windows users you will need at least Windows 10 as a minimum. Otherwise browser version 110 won’t work.
  • New feature! Pre saved bookmarks, with this you don’t need to add your bookmarks every time. See this guide for more information.
  • New feature! Pre saved extensions, with this you can add extensions to your browser profiles from your favorite extension list. See this guide for more information.
  • Improvement! Shift select multiple profiles at once in the profile overview with shift clicking, see example.
  • Improvement! Bulk create profiles now has support via csv and excel files. See this guide for more information.
  • Improvement! We moved the enable webcam feature to the overview tab of a browser profile, see this guide for more information.
  • Improvement! Added telegram channel button in header, with this you can more easily reach out to our support team.
  • Improvement! Support for multiple windows in Selenium automation
  • Bug fix! Several small browser bug fixes
  • Bug fix! Several small application bug fixes
  • Bug fix! The cookie import and export functionality is now fixed
  • Bug fix! Fixed proxy integration table with duplicating columns

Incogniton update V - New features, trash bin, transferring of profiles between users and other improvements

On 17 January 2023, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • New feature! Profile transferring between users to transfer your browser profiles to other Incogniton users. See this guide for more information.
  • New feature! Trash bin, you can now restore profiles which you accidentally deleted 7 days ago or earlier. See this guide for more information.
  • New feature! You can now manage / order the shown columns in the main menu of Incogniton. See this guide for more information.
  • Bug fix! Fixed some small bugs in the browser version of Incogniton
  • Improvement! We updated the dark / light theme of Incogniton. See this guide for more information how you activate the dark mode.
  • Improvement! Fixed the slow proxy validation when you accidentally entered the wrong proxy details.
Coming soon
We will keep improving Incogniton after this update. That’s why we want to let you know that we are currently working on the following new features.
  • A browser update to the most recent stable version of Chromium
  • User interface improvements to work more efficiently in Incogniton

Incogniton update V - Incogniton browser core upgrade to V.107, tool for adding bookmarks and small other improvements

On 23 November 2022, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Browser update! Major browser update to version 107 of Chromium
  • New feature! Added option to easily enable webcam in a browser profile, can be found in advanced → other settings. For more information see this guide.
  • New feature! Drag and drop files in the cookie import dialog, with this you can more easily import cookies in Incogniton.
  • New feature! Bookmark management tool, added functionality to add bookmarks to profiles and clear them. See this guide for more information about the bookmark functionality.
  • New feature! Log out confirmation dialog added
  • New feature! Added force install browser update button on home screen, helps with issues surrounding launching of the browser.
  • Improvement! New browser core version 107 has better extensions support
  • Improvement! Netscape cookies which you want to import no longer need to have exactly 7 columns
  • Improvement! Dark mode improved for a better user experience. See this guide for more information about dark mode functionality.
  • Improvement! Translations improved/added
  • Bug fix! Fixed browser extensions duplicating when editing a browser profile

Coming soon
We will keep improving Incogniton after this update. That’s why we want to let you know that we are currently working on the following new features. We expect to launch this update early 2023.

  • Ability to transfer browser profiles between Incogniton users.
  • Ability for tagging certain browser profiles

Incogniton update V - Dark mode available and small bug fixes

On 1 November 2022, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • NEW FEATURE! Dark mode available, see this guide to learn more about the dark mode feature.
  • IMPROVEMENTS! New ‘My Account’ settings user interface.
  • NEW FEATURE! Option to not auto fit Incogniton to screen size, this is useful for users with widescreen
  • BUG FIX! Cookie importer handled expirationDate: -1 and expirationDate: 123+e23
  • BUG FIX! Cookie collector does now work if an URL is stated without https:// or http:// in front
  • BUG FIX! Proxy validation now shows correct longitude in the proxy verification
  • BUG FIX! Bulk creator, fixed some delimiters which weren’t working properly when creatin browser profiles in bulk. For more information about creating browser profiles in bulk read this guide.
  • NEW FEATURE! New crypto payment provider is now available and makes it easier for you to pay in all kinds of cryptocurrencies.

Coming soon
We will keep improving Incogniton after this update. That’s why we want to let you know that we are currently working on the following new features:

  • Ability to transfer browser profiles between Incogniton users.
  • Ability for tagging certain browser profiles
  • Browser update

Incogniton update V - Incogniton core browser upgrade, Added option to pass legitimacy tests

On 19 September 2022, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Browser update, we have updated the Incogniton browser to version 104 of Chromium
  • NEW FEATURE! Pass legitimacy tests toggle, Incogniton is now able to pass some legitimacy tests using the same methods as our competitors. See for more information about the tests this article.
  • NEW FEATURE! Added option to automatically match the user agent version with the browser core version of Incogniton.

Coming soon
We will keep improving Incogniton after this update. That’s why we want to let you know that we are currently working on the following new features:

  • Ability to transfer browser profiles between Incogniton users.
  • Ability for tagging certain browser profiles
  • Dark mode for the user interface of Incogniton

Incogniton update V.3. - New backend for faster and more stable user interface, more options for bulk editing and small other improvements

On 26 July 2022, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Improvement! V3 – The backend of Incogniton has been completely rewritten, resulting in a faster and more stable user interface.
  • Improvement! Added the option for rotating proxy via API
  • Improvement! Added option to auto accept cookies in the Cookie Collector
  • Improvement! More options for bulk editing of profiles such as bulk stop and start, browser version, useragent, chrome command line options and proxy settings
  • Improvement! Additional closing dialog to prevent accidental closing of Incogniton
  • Improvement! Adjustments to the the bulk import interface which results into a more user friendly interface
  • Improvement! The proxy checker is now more efficient and faster

Incogniton update V. - Bug fixes and announcement of V.3. of Incogniton

On 16 May 2022, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Bug fix! Fixed the cookie import and export functionality on Mac OS
  • Bug fix! Solved issue related to custom group when adding a profile via the REST api
  • Bug fix! Issue related to some users that where unable to login due to server connection issues
V3 of Incogniton
Furthermore, we would like to inform you that we are currently busy with optimizing the application which will result in V.3. of Incogniton. This new version will be even more user-friendly and it will also be easier to add new features.

Incogniton update V. - browser update to V.99 of Chromium

On 8 April 22, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Browser update! – We have upgraded the browser to version 99 of Chromium

Incogniton update V. - New feature! Browser extension management tool added, faster syncing and small other improvements

On 21 February 2022, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • New feature! Extension management tool, add extensions from the Google Chrome store in just a few clicks. See this article for a guide how to use this new feature.
  • New feature! Disable / Enable session restore button added in My Account settings, with this you can decide whether you want to open your previous sessions from the browser profiles or that you want the browser profile to be cleared.
  • New feature! Added proxy provider option via REST API, with this you can select if you want to validate your proxy with the main provider or with the back up provider. See this article for more information about the main and back up provider.
  • Improvements! Faster browser profile synchronization method, with this browser profiles will be synced faster.
  • Improvements! Better account synchronization method, with this data will be synced faster between devices.
  • New feature! Added “always use latest user agent” option to navigator. With this enabled your browser profiles will be automatically use the latest user agent settings (default disabled). 
  • Improvements! on the user interface Sub menus of the application

Incogniton update to version - New feature! 2 factor authentication and proxy checker improvements

On 4 January 2022, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • New feature: Two factor authentication (2FA), secure your browser profiles even more with 2FA. For the Guide how to install 2FA and how to use it please read this article.
  • New feature: Proxy checker improvements, added an additional option for proxy auto-check. When you start the browser, you will be able to see the availability of the proxy in each profile, than you will be notified with a green checkmark or a red cross.
  • New feature: Chinese translation of Incogniton now available. For our Chinese users it’s now possible to use Incogniton in your native language
  • Improvements! User interface improvements when loggin into the application. It is more visible to select your preferred user interface language of Incogniton.

    Bug fix! Disabling / enabling browser profiles works again.

    New feature: Exported cookies now contain the profile name in the filename. Now it will be much easier to find exported cookies from the desired profile.

Incogniton update V. – New feature! Cookie Collector and other improvements

On 3 December 2021, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • New feature: Cookie Collector (generator), with this functionality you will be able to automatically generate some cookies for your browser profiles which will increase the trust of a browser profile. Please see this article for more information about the Cookie Collector
  • New feature: Don’t show the profile name in URL bar if you don’t want this. You can do this via the advanced settings of a browser profiles. Note! This only works in the newest browser version which is Chromium V.93
  • New feature: Double verification on proxy details, if the first validation didn’t succeed another database can be used to validate the proxy details.

    We also fixed some bugs:

  • Bug fix! Bulk Cookie exporter fixed
  • Bug fix! Removed upgrade browser profiles button
  • Bug fix! Updated last launched data correction
  • Bug fix! Reduced synchronization size for faster launching of browser profiles

Incogniton update to version - Better Cookie importing and a new cloning feature

On 19 October 2021, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • New feature! Option to add cookies to via REST API
  • New feature! Added option to always use the default language from the device for the chrome user interface
  • New feature! Added option to add netscape cookies
  • New feature! Added option to use Base64 encoded Netscape/JSON cookies
  • Bug fix! Fixed some bugs with adding cookies
  • New feature! Added a clone profile option for paid subscription
  • Improvement! Upgraded to OpenJDK 16 from Java 8

Incogniton update to Version - small general improvements and added proxy integration with BlazingSEO

On 31 August 2021, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Bug fix! Bug fixed where some users got an “INVALID IP” error.
  • New feature! Added support for custom arguments via the REST api
  • New feature! Added Integration with Proxy6 and BlazingSEO, this integration will make you able to easily connect your bought BlazingSEO proxies with Incogniton.
  • Improvements! Some other small general improvements

Incogniton update - V. – Chrome browser update to V89 with custom arguments support

On 24 May 2021, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • Improvement! New browser added which is based on Chromium version 89, old profiles can use the old browser or upgrade to the new one. New created browser profiles can only use the new browser.
  • Improvements! Team functionality – New permissions to hide complete groups. Old roles will have view all groups enabled by default and will need to adjusted manually.
  • New feature! Added user agent v90 in the user interface to select manually
  • New feature! Select all button in clean up dialog
  • Improvements! User interface improvements
  • Improvements! faster scrolling (no more lagging) in UI
  • Improvements! Custom arguments support
  • Improvements! Possible to send custom arguments while launching via selenium
  • Improvements! Easy auto fill proxy fields via copy-paste
  • Improvements! Synchronization block till other data synchronizations are complete
  • Bug fix! Browser syncing error fixed by force restart button, which does a force stop and a force start

Incogniton update - V. - Team feature for team management now available and user interface speed improvements!

On 10 April 2021, we performed an update. In this update we have improved Incogniton on the following aspects:

  • New feature! Team member functionality, create team members for your Incogniton browser profile and assign them roles. (Available from package professional and above) We recommend you to read this article before you start working with the team functionality.
  • New feature! Cleanup old incogniton files, use the cleanup button located on the home screen.
  • New feature! Backup connection method which should fix connection issues.
  • Improvements! Faster Web backend
  • Improvements! Speedup of the user interface of the application
  • Improvements! More and improved Russian translations
  • Improvements! Last edited and last launched timestamp added
  • Bug fix! Backup connection method which should fix connection issues.
  • Bug fix! Screen size issues resolved
  • Bug fix! Timezone selecter fixed