See the new api documentation here:

The REST API lets you manage browser profiles.


The API endpoint lives at localhost:[PORTNUMBER]
35000 is the default port, but this can be changed by editing auth.json in C:/Users/%username%/incogniton/

Profile operations

localhost:35000/profile/launch/[PROFILE-ID] – launch a browser profile

localhost:35000/profile/launch/[PROFILE-ID]/local – launch a browser profile with local data

localhost:35000/profile/launch/[PROFILE-ID]/cloud – launch a browser profile with last saved cloud data

localhost:35000/profile/stop/[PROFILE-ID] – stop a browser profile

localhost:35000/profile/delete/[PROFILE-ID] – delete a browser profile

localhost:35000/profile/all – returns all browser profiles information

Add a profile:

localhost:35000/profile/add- Adds a browser profile. (POST Request) 

A post request needs to be sent to the endpoint. An example of the data is shown below. general_profile_information is required. The others can be left out.

{'profileData' : {
"general_profile_information": {
	"profile_name": "Example Account",
	"profile_notes": "",
	"profile_group": "Unassigned",
	"profile_last_edited": "",
	"simulated_operating_system": "Windows"
"Proxy": {
	"connection_type": "HTTP proxy",
	"proxy_url": "",
	"proxy_username": "USERNAME",
	"proxy_password": "PASSWORD",
	"proxy_rotating": "0"
"Timezone": {
	"fill_timezone_based_on_ip": "true",
	"timezone_name": "Africa/Abidjan",
	"timezone_offset": "0"
"WebRTC": {
	"set_external_ip": "true",
	"behavior": "Altered",
	"public_ip": "",
	"local_ip": ""

"Navigator": {
	"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36",
	"screen_resolution": "1920x1080",
	"languages": "en_US",
	"navigator_languageIPToggle": "0",
	"platform": "Win32",
	"do_not_track": "true",
	"hardware_concurrency": "6"

Example python code:

import requests
import json

my_json = {
    'general_profile_information': {
        "profile_name": "Example Account2",
                "profile_notes": "",
                "profile_group": "Unassigned",
                "profile_last_edited": "",
                "simulated_operating_system": "Windows"
    'Proxy': {
        "connection_type": "HTTP proxy",
                "proxy_url": "123.123.123:123",
                "proxy_username": "proxyUsername",
                "proxy_password": "proxyPassword",
                "proxy_rotating": "0"
data = {"profileData": json.dumps(my_json)}
url = "http://localhost:35000/profile/add"
response =, data)

Example node js code:

const https = require('http')

var url = "http://localhost:35000/profile/add"

var  my_json = JSON.stringify({
    'general_profile_information': {
        "profile_name": "Example Account5",
                "profile_notes": "",
                "profile_group": "Unassigned",
                "profile_last_edited": "",
                "simulated_operating_system": "Windows"
    'Proxy': {
        "connection_type": "HTTP proxy",
                "proxy_url": "123.123.123:123",
                "proxy_username": "proxyUsername",
                "proxy_password": "proxyPassword",
                "proxy_rotating": "0"

const data = JSON.stringify({
    profileData: my_json

  const options = {
    hostname: "",
    port: 35000,
    path: '/profile/add',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Content-Length': data.length

  const req = https.request(options, res => {
    console.log(`statusCode: ${res.statusCode}`)
    res.on('data', d => {
  req.on('error', error => {

Update a profile:

localhost:35000/profile/update- Adds a browser profile. (POST Request) 

A post request needs to be sent to the endpoint the profileData json requires a key called “profile_browser_id” with the profile-id. An example of the data is shown below. 

{'profileData' : {
"profile_browser_id":"BROWSERID", "general_profile_information": { "profile_name": "Example Account", "profile_notes": "", "profile_group": "Unassigned", "profile_last_edited": "", "simulated_operating_system": "Windows" }, "Proxy": { "connection_type": "HTTP proxy", "proxy_url": "", "proxy_username": "USERNAME", "proxy_password": "PASSWORD", "proxy_rotating": "0" }, "Timezone": { "fill_timezone_based_on_ip": "true", "timezone_name": "Africa/Abidjan", "timezone_offset": "0" }, "WebRTC": { "set_external_ip": "true", "behavior": "Altered", "public_ip": "", "local_ip": "" }, "Navigator": { "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36", "screen_resolution": "1920x1080", "languages": "en_US", "navigator_languageIPToggle": "0", "platform": "Win32", "do_not_track": "true", "hardware_concurrency": "6" }}}

Adding cookies

localhost:35000/profile/addCookie- Adds a browser profile. (POST Request) 





Possible values for format: “base64json,base64netscape,json,netscape”


{'data' : {
"profile_browser_id": "BROWSERID",
"format": "FORMAT",
"cookie": "COOKIEDATA"}}


If you still have any questions about this or if you have any other questions don’t hesitate to contact our support department!

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