Incogniton is a wonderful browsing utility that gives you anonymity online and lets you use the internet as with multiple identities safely and quickly. The basis of Incogniton’s operation is in the virtual browser keys.To use Incogniton, you have to create a new profile. This profile contains the details like your geolocation, operating system, you want to show websites that you visit.
Incogniton also saves browsing cookies and browsing session data to their unique profiles. How does Incogniton ensure that all your browser profiles are unique? Proxies, browser fingerprints, and WebRTC. Not sure what those terms mean? Don’t worry; this page answers all questions you may have on how Incogniton’s profiles remain private.
About Proxies
A proxy server (proxy) is a middle party between your computer and the internet. You receive and send traffic through this server. When traffic comes in, the proxy server relays it to you. There are two types of proxy servers – datacenter and residential.
People connect their devices through proxy servers to access the internet anonymously. Incogniton saves session data to their unique browser profiles, and when you use different proxies for different profiles, the data on these profiles will be unique.
Note that Incogniton does not sell or give out proxies; it only supports and integrates with HTTP(S), SOCKS4, and SOCKS5 proxy servers. To use a proxy server with Incogniton, you need the following:
- A proxy address or host.
- Proxy port.
- Proxy server.
- Authenticated IP addresses.
How to use a proxy server with Incogniton
Step 1: Create a new profile on Incogniton.
Step 2: Click Proxy on the left panel to get into the proxy settings.
Step 3: Here, enter the host IP address and port.
Step 4: Check that the proxy details you entered can connect to Incogniton.
Step 5: Next, you can set other aspects of the browser profile.
Step 6: Finally, open the profile and confirm that the host does not change.
Browser Fingerprints
When you make use of the internet, you leave behind a trail containing vital details about your browsing session. The information that websites can get about you from the browser footprints includeyour IP address, location, your device, browser with which you accessed the site, as well as even little details like your screen size.
When marketers use Incogniton to create unique buyer personas, for example, the software enables them to customize all of those parameters to fit into unique personas. After a browsing session, the browser footprint and the information it holds are all saved to a specific profile waiting to be accessed at a later time.
WebRTC is an open-source framework allows RTC (real-time communication) between internet browsers and mobile apps using a simple API. This plugin connects with the UDP protocol which may not go through your proxy servers.
By not routing through your proxy, WebRTC defeats the aim of achieving anonymity. Some of the information that websites can detect with WebRTC include media device information and your local and public IP addresses. Fortunately, Incogniton has measures to keep your anonymity, even with WebRTC.
For your browser profiles, you have three options when it comes to dealing with WebRTC. You can configure individual profiles to handle data leakage due to WebRTC in either of the following modes:
Altered mode:
The browsing profiles let you set custom local and public IP addresses. In the altered mode for WebRTC, the real addresses get substituted with the custom IP addresses you entered.
Disabled mode:
Although not recommended as it is rather inconspicuous, this mode deals with WebRTC by simply disabling it from the browser.
This mode does not deal with WebRTC but allows it to show your public and local IP addresses. If you do not use a proxy and do not mind revealing your IP, then go for this mode.
Time Zone:
You could hide your IP address with a VPN, but other session information such as your timezone can leak your information. For instance, if you change your detected geolocation using a VPN, websites may get a hint because of your realtimezone. The timezone is found thanks to a JavaScript function that discloses your device time using a browser API.
If the location derived from your timezone and your detected geolocation differ, then the site can flag you to have spoofed your location. When this happens, the website assumes that you may be using a proxy server to show a different location from the one your timezone suggests.
Incogniton’s virtual profiles work similarly to having separate computer systems connected to different networks. They are independent of each other,have unique configurations, and will not reveal your timezone, IP address, and other critical browsing data. Hence, you stand no risk of getting banned or blocked from websites when you use Incogniton’s virtual browser profiles to manage multiple identities on the internet.
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