Incogniton allows you to create multiple accounts at the same time. The tool is pretty advanced and allows for a lot of customization. So before you use the bulk creator we recommend you to read the below article. How to use the bulk create profiles feature You can start the bulk creator by hitting the button "Create Bulk" in the left menu in the section Browser Profile Creation. When you hitted the button ''Create Bulk'' this window will pop up: The first line of the content box should be the names of the settings you want to change, delimited with a ";". If you want to use a different delimiter you can change it in the box. The header options are shown in the table at the bottom of the page. Note! The headers need to be included otherwise the bulk creator won't work. Example header: profile_name;profile_notes;profile_group;simulated_operating_system;Proxy_connection_type;Proxy_proxy_url Tip!: It doesn't matter if the headers are in lower or upper case. An example input line below the header would be: Example profile;Example import;bulk accounts;Windows;http;123.456.789.000:3125 The excel from the video can be found here. Options table: Option Name Possible values profile_name Any text (REQUIRED) profile_notes Any text simulated_operating_system Windows/Mac OS/Linux Proxy_connection_type http/socks4/socks5/none Proxy_proxy_url Any text Proxy_proxy_username Any text Proxy_proxy_password Any text Timezone_fill_timezone_based_on_ip true/false Timezone_timezone_name Any valid timezone name WebRTC_set_external_ip true/false WebRTC_behavior altered/disabled/real WebRTC_public_ip Any IP WebRTC_local_ip Any IP Geolocation_behavior Block/Allow/Prompt Geolocation_fill_geolocation_based_on_ip true/false Geolocation_location_information_longitude Any double between -180 and 180 Geolocation_location_information_latitude Any double between -90 and 90 Geolocation_location_information_accuracy Any positive integer Navigator_user_agent Any text Navigator_screen_resolution Example: 1920"x"1080, Please replace the x with a real x. Navigator_languages Any text Navigator_platform Any text Navigator_do_not_track true/false Navigator_hardware_concurrency 2/4/6/8/16 Navigator_device_memory 2/4/6/8 Navigator_useragent_always_latest true/false Fonts_enable_font_list_masking true/false Fonts_browser_font_list font list splitted by comma Media_devices_enable_media_masking true/false Media_devices_video_outputs Any positive int Media_devices_audio_inputs Any positive int Media_devices_audio_outputs Any positive int Hardware_Canvas_behavior noise/block/off Hardware_AudioContext_behavior noise/off Hardware_WebGL_behavior noise/off Hardware_WebGL_meta_behavior mask/off Hardware_WebGL_meta_vendor Any text Hardware_WebGL_meta_renderer Any text Other_active_session_lock true/false Other_custom_args_enabled true/false Other_custom_args Any text cookie Base64 encoded json cookies If you still have any questions about performing bulk actions in Incogniton please read this article or if you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact our support department.